Karen DeBonis

Wipe Your Feet Before You Walk All Over Me: Ten Steps to Overcome People-Pleasing

In a recent national survey, almost half of responding adults self-identified as people-pleasers. It’s human nature to occasionally say yes when we’d prefer to say no, and sometimes societal obligations require that we “go along to get along.” But if you habitually prioritize others' needs, wishes, or happiness over your own, you may indeed be afflicted with the need to please.

Karen DeBonis, educator, recovering people-pleaser, and author of the award-winning memoir GROWTH, knows firsthand about the devastating consequences of "toxic agreeableness."

Using an interactive format, Karen DeBonis will explore the causes and nature of this self-defeating, learned behavior and will leave participants with ten actionable steps they can practice to develop healthy assertiveness skills.

This presentation will also be livestreamed for those not able to attend in-person.

Watch Livestream

A VOICES Event Co-Sponsored by the Marvin Library and the Writing Center.

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